Want to help keep our local trails open and
make have fun while you’re at it? Not to mention that rewarding feeling of giving back to our local trails.
If you would like to come out and volunteer a day or part of a day (or two) to help work on the trails we would welcome your help! We have two activities that you can volunteer to work on:
- We are nearly ready to officially open the new first mile of the Jack-Ash Phase II trails and could use volunteers to help finish ‘fine-tuning’ the trail. This would involve lopping smaller roots out of the tread, removing some small stumps, and smoothing the tread in places. The crew is working Tuesday-Thursday for the next 2 weeks. This trail segment is 1 mile long so you’d be hiking 2 miles at most during the day.
2. We are looking for volunteers to go out with a crew that will be weed-whacking the entire Sterling Mine Ditch Trail and Jack-Ash Trail beginning on May 9th. We anticipate this work will take 12-15 days, working Monday-Friday. Volunteers would be using loppers and hand saws to remove brush/shrubs that the weed whackers can’t handle. The crew will be clearing 5-8 miles per day so you could come out for the entire day or part of the day.
If you’d like to volunteer for either of these activities, please reply to sutaoregoncontact@gmail.com and let us know what you’d like to do and the date(s) and we’ll connect you with the crew managers and let you know when and where to meet. SUTA provides tools and hard hats. If you come out, remember to dress in layers, wear hiking/work boots, bring plenty of water and your lunch!
We appreciate all of our volunteers and hope to see some of you out there on the trail with us in the next few weeks.